Canela 💕🐾
female • about 5+ years old • 9 kg • 20 lbs • up to date with vaccinations, deworming, flea and tick prrevention • very calm • smart • very friendly • medium energy • great with kids, & dogs and cats • house trained • perfect choice for first time dog parents
Fostered in San Isidro (Perez Zeledon)
We've posted about sweet Canela before.
She is the dog we thought was not spayed and when our vet opened her up, she saw that the vet who had already spayed her had used zip ties for the surgery instead of sutures.
Canela's uterus is now "plastic free" and the lovely girl is in great health and spirits. She is an absolute joy to have around, she rarely barks, is friendly to everyone she meets, and is just content to chill in her cozy dog bed all day.
She lives in a foster home with several dogs and cats and they all live in harmony. When the family kids come to visit, she is super happy and totally sociable.
Canerla is the perfect dog for first time dog parents or for people who just want a very easy going dog to fill their lives with joy and serenity.
Foster mom, Itza, can't speak highly enough of her girl and hopes that the best people will contact us to adopt this little gem!
Canela is currently in a foster home in San Isidro / PZ, but we can help with the logistics of getting her to you.
If you would like to adopt Canela, please do not hesitate to contact us. These sweet dogies deserve the love and care of a forever family, and we know they will make wonderful companions for any family, individual or couple.